10 man raidit ovat kärsineet Council of Elders encounterin jälkeen bugista, joka on ilmennyt puuttuvana loottina pomolta. Joskus Tieri-tokenit ovat jääneet tippumatta ja tämä on aiheuttanut oikeutettua närää 10 man raidaajien keskudessa.
Kävin kohtalaisen kiihkeää keskustelua tikettien välkityksellä Blizzardin GM:n (geeämmien o.O) kanssa.
Greetings, I sincerely apologize for the wait time — it seems that some Hunters do not understand that Bear Season does NOT include druids in bear form! /facepalm My name is Cerrivain and I’ll be the one taking care of your ticket — don’t worry, you’re in very very good hands! 😛
Loppujen lopuksi johti tokenin oikeutettuun saantiin.
Hi there, I had look into this for you and for your raid on the 14th we can assist with the missing loot. It has been randomly generated so you will need to nominate who is to recieve the following loot in your raid: Gauntlets of the Crackling Vanquisher Please reply to this ticket with the name of the winner and we will distribute the loot. This should hopefully have been hotfixed by now though and the boss will drop more than 1 item on your next kill. Regards, Ishetanii
English Game Master Team
Blizzard Europe